PS 171 Club News

PHP Newspaper Club

Dear Community,
Our Newspaper club has just finished publishing its first edition. The students are excited and hope you enjoy it! 

PHP Shark Tank Club

Dear Community,

I wanted to take a moment to announce the Shark Tank Club, which will meet every Thursday after school from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. This club provides our middle school students with a fantastic opportunity to explore entrepreneurship, learn how to build a business, and boost their confidence.

At the end of the year, our members will have the chance to participate in a business pitching competition against other middle schools in NYC, which is sure to be a rewarding experience for all involved. I have attached a flyer with more details.

If you're interested, students can sign up using the following link: Shark Tank Club Sign-Up. Please feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions.


PHP Junior Geniuses Science Club

Dear Community, 
We are excited to announce our Junior Geniuses Science Club for students in grades 4 & 5. The club will take place every Tuesday from 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM. 
Express interest in the club by using this link: Parents will be notified if their student has been accepted. Any questions can be directed to  

PHP Cooking Club



PHP Comic Book Club

We are excited to announce the Comic Book Club for students in grades 6-8! This club will meet every Monday from 2:30-3:30pm. It is an opportunity for your students to explore their creativity and to learn more about comic books. If this sounds like a good fit, please sign up in here!

If you have any questions, please email Sophie Morris at 

PHP Running Club

Hi Families,

On Sunday, November 24th, our PHP Middle School Running Team ran their FIRST official race with Rising New York Road Runners. 

They ran 2 miles in Van Cortland Park. Congratulations to our middle school runners and thank you to our coaches Mr. Marra, Ms. Grieff, Ms. Arlington, and Mr. Keith. 

PHP Asian Culture Club